TESTED ON UNO PC WOULD NOT WORK. The device is not being shown in Device Manager.
USB Adapter driver Software Download[SOLVED] – USB Game Controller – PS2 Controller not supported on XBOX 360
Any suggestions? Anyone who has tried this already and got it working?
Got the problem solved:
Unplug the usb-joystick and the dongle.
Remove the usb-dongle and reinsert it.
Plug the usb-joystick.
Plug the dongle.
The software should pop up and show the usb-joystick.
I am trying to pull information from website using python and I am having trouble with the format of the website
This is the webpage that I am trying to pull information from:
I am trying to pull the date (listed as "1/28" in the code) and the number of concertgoers (listed as "5,307" in the code) for each of the concerts.
I have done some research and found this is probably a lot easier using a library, but I am having trouble understanding the syntax and how to use it.
This is the line of code that I am using to pull the date and concertgoers from the website:
h = requests.get('')
print h.status_code
print h.headers
h = h.text
print h
I am new to Python so I do not understand what I am doing wrong. I am pretty sure I am just doing a lot of unnecessary things. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can achieve that in two ways. Either you can manually parse the Javascript code or use a Javascript library.
Manually parsing the Javascript code:
Use regex to match the desired values: 1/28 and 5307.
Use jsdom to parse and get the values.
import re
import jsdom
import requests
date = re.search(r ac619d1d87
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